Does Privacy Window Film Let Enough Light in for Plants?

Does Privacy Window Film Let Enough Light in for Plants?

If you have a beautiful home or office with lush plants, it’s important to consider how you can take care of them in the best way while still ensuring that your home is comfortable for you. One of the biggest problems in most homes, whether there are plants or not, can be too much (unfiltered) sunlight and brightness. While this can be a good thing in some areas and during some seasons or instances, it can become a nuisance or create problems in others.

Comfortable living for most people entails spending their daily lives in a customized and comfortable home with good lighting, furnishings, amenities, privacy, peace of mind, and more. Although creating one’s dream home with their favorite stuff can be expensive, one thing that is not expensive but can still provide various aesthetic and functional benefits is privacy window films.

A privacy window film can keep your home cool, provide safety from onlookers or burglars, enrich your home with perfect levels of lighting, and a lot more. Another crucial benefit of window films for privacy is that they can provide added protection for all the things and people in your home while also adding to the beauty of your private space.

The Solution – Plant-Friendly Privacy Film for Windows

This is where and how good quality or the best window film for privacy can help the plants in your home. A privacy window film or privacy window tint will not harm your plants because they mostly filter out the most harmful parts of the sun’s rays and never to an extent that would cause any real damage.

But there is a caveat. The best result in terms of using a privacy window film that doesn’t harm your plants is that they need to be of the best quality. This means that only if you use great quality privacy window films will your house plants not be affected by your privacy window films. This is because higher quality films don’t completely block visible light as this is an important component for photosynthesis and the growth of your plants.

Thus, a good quality window film that lets light in for plants does not only protect and keep the plants in your house safe but also provides you with the privacy you’re looking for.

Why May Plants Look Wilted After Installing Privacy Window Films?

Most plants tend to show some signs of problems when they are suddenly exposed to a different environment or condition. Plants may show different types of signs according to the changes they may encounter. For example, if you overwater them then they grow slower or faster, if you change their soil and fertilizer then they may change their color, and so on. But this is not a bad thing. It is a natural process of adjustment by the plant.

Thus, if you notice any changes after installing a privacy window film, do not fret as this is part of the plant’s natural acclimatization process and it shouldn’t take long for the plant to return to its normal state. The biggest reason why changes may occur after installing plant friendly privacy film for windows is that the intensity, substance, and quality of light change. Once again, this is not a bad thing as a good quality privacy window film only filters out the more harmful portions of the sun’s rays like UV light and not any visible light (or only small portions of it) – which is crucial for plants.

When selecting a privacy window film for your house, you are always recommended to go for only a privacy window film that lets light in for plants along with also providing you with the privacy you need.

Looking for a Plant-Friendly Privacy Film for Windows?

Are you looking for a privacy window film that lets light in for plants in the New Jersey area? At Top of the Line Tint, we specialize in creating the perfect window films and window tints that will provide you with all the benefits you’re looking for and more.

Top of the Line Tint (TOTL) has been in the professional window film and window tinting industry for 25 years and is the first company to become 3M certified on the East Coast. We offer several affordable window tinting options and are always happy and ready to advise you on the most suitable window tints for the privacy of your home, protection of your plants, and more.